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Small business/europe

February 6, 2025 - February 6, 2025   

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Influences on small business – fiscal measures to encourage people to retain profits

Following a request from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Enterprise, smallbusiness|europe would like to gather feedback from UK small businesses on the impact of fiscal factors on the retention or distribution of profits. If you are involved in a small business and have views on this issue, please be kind enough to complete the following questionnaire. Your responses will then contribute to work by the European Commission that will look into existing practices across the EU’s 25 member states and put forward non-binding suggestions for changes to fiscal regimes that may stimulate and encourage small business growth.

smallbusiness|europe would like to express its gratitude to the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants for designing this questionnaire.


Question 1: What is the legal status of your business? (please tick the option that applies)

Sole trader (go to Question 2)

Partnership (go to Question 2)

Limited partnership (go to Question 2)

Limited company (go to Question 7)

Question 2: Are you likely to reinvest money in your business at the end of your current financial year?



Don’t know

Question 3: Is taxation an issue that affects your decision when considering whether to reinvest money in your business?



Don’t know

Question 4: Which of these tax factors would encourage you to reinvest money in your business? (please tick all that apply)

Tax breaks e.g. allowances on R&D expenditure

Capital Allowances

Neither of these

Don’t know

Other (please give details)

If you have answered “other” to the question above, please specify

Question 5: Which of these other factors influence you when you are considering whether to reinvest money in your business? (please tick all that apply)

Considering passing on the business

Considering expanding the business

Likely capital spend next year

Grants available

Don’t make enough money to reinvest

Pension requirement

Other personal investment

Advice from bank

Advice from accountant

Don’t know

None of these

Other (please give details)

If you have answered “other” to the question above, please specify

Question 6: Whose advice do you seek when considering whether to reinvest money in your business? (please tick all those that apply)



Business Link

Business associates


Don’t know



If you have answered “other” to the question above, please specify


Question 7: Are you likely to retain profits in your company at the end of your current financial year?



Don’t know

Question 8: Is taxation an issue that affects your decision when considering whether to retain profits in your company?



Don’t know

Question 9: Which of these tax factors would encourage you to retain profits in your company? (please tick all that apply)

Tax breaks e.g. allowances on R&D expenditure

Capital Allowances

Tax charge on dividends

None of these

Don’t know

Other (please give details)

If you have answered “other” to the question above, please specify

Question 10: Which of these factors influence you when you are considering whether to retain profits in your company? (please tick all that apply)

Considering passing on the company

National Insurance cost of employees

Other personal investment

Likely capital spend next year

Advice from bank

Grants available

Advice from accountant

Don’t make any profit

Prefer to take salary

Prefer to take dividend

None of these

Don’t know

Other (please give details)

If you have answered “other” to the question above, please specify

Question 11: Has the tax on dividends for small companies influenced your dividend policy?



Don’t know

Not applicable

Question 12: Whose advice do you seek when considering whether to reinvest profits in your company? (please tick all that apply)



Business Link


Board Members


Don’t know



If you have answered “other” to the question above, please specify

Question 13: Is taxation an issue that affects your decision-making re. the legal status of your business?



Don’t know

Question 14: On what day is the end of your financial year?

Question 14a: In which month is the end of your financial year?


Company name

Email address


Working Time Directive Review
The Working Time Directive is a piece of European Health and Safety legislation that was passed in 1993 and came into effect in UK law in 1998. The directive sets minimum requirements for annual leave and rest periods and also a maximum working week of, on average, 48 hours a week. This average is calculated over a 17-week period (‘reference period’)
Directive on Services in the Internal Market
A proposal for a directive to overcome barriers to businesses to provide services across EU borders or establish themselves in another EU member state. With the objective of increased competitiveness in the service sector and further development of an internal market for services.
Chemicals (REACH)
The European Commission is proposing to introduce a new system of registration, evaluation and authorisation of all chemicals (’REACH’). This will include new requirements for chemical testing and risk assessment.
Temporary Agency Workers
A proposal to grant temporary agency workers the same basic working conditions, including pay, as comparable permanent workers in the same company.
Better Regulation
The ongoing debate as to how EU institutions can make laws that achieve their aims effectively and efficiently.
Entrepreneurship in Europe Consultation and Action Plan
A debate on how to shape future enterprise policy by identifying barriers to business start-ups and business growth in Europe. The Action Plan was endorsed at the 2004 Spring European Council.
The Lisbon Strategy
EU Heads of State and Government agreed on the objective of making the EU the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010 at the EU Spring Summit in Lisbon (March 2000). They meet annually in March to review the progress on this objective and to decide upon future strategies.
Unfair Commercial Practices
The Commission has proposed a draft directive which would outlaw unfair commercial practices across the EU.
Basel II Capital Adequacy Review
The Basel II Accord aims to make the international financial system more stable by imposing more risk sensitive requirements on banks issuing loans.
Corporate Social Responsibility
The broad definition of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) highlights the voluntary role of business in contributing to a better society and a cleaner environment beyond its financial and capital commitments.
Community Patent
A long running debate over how best to provide the opportunity for new developments to be protected by a single patent covering the whole of the EU.
Sales Promotions in the Internal Market
The proposed regulation aims to harmonise sales promotion rules across the EU. It covers the use of sales promotion tools such as free gifts and promotional contests.
Code of conduct between banks and SMEs
A non-legislative initiative by the European Commission aiming to improve working relations between banks and SMEs
Safety of Services
The European Commission is consulting stakeholders on new policy options to ensure the safety of services provided to consumers (e.g. tourist accommodation & leisure activities).
Reduced rates of VAT on certain labour-intensive services
The Commission’s proposals for a Directive introducing a general review of the application of reduced rates of VAT and to simplify and rationalise them has so far failed to reach agreement in Council. In light of this, and to avoid legal uncertainty, the Commission proposed a further 2-year extension to the experimental period which started in 2000 that has allowed EU Member States to test the impact of a targeted reduction of VAT on certain labour-intensive services. The experimental period is now set to finish at the end of 2005. The UK government chose not to take part in the original experiment, although trials were carried out on the Isle of Man and 8 other Member States.
Please note, any opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of Lloyds TSB.


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