One London
January 23, 2025 - January 23, 2025
oneLondon’s enterprise development services provide help to people from disadvantaged communities and support to growing, job-generating businesses.
oneLondon Enterprise Development
oneLondon’s enterprise development services provide help to people from disadvantaged communities and support to growing, job-generating businesses.
Small Business Loans
oneLondon provide loans for both start up and growth businesses and have helped many Londoners start and expand a business. more…..
Business Advice Services
Every year, oneLondon’s local business advice services provide over 2,000 hours of business counselling and 300 days of training. more…..
Building Innovative Business
oneLondon’s ready4growth programme provides specialist support to high growth, technology-based businesses.more….
International Trade for BME businesses
Global Gateway2Trade is a new service enabling ethnic minority-owned businesses to access the benefits of international trade. more….
Self Employment Initiatives
Reaching for Enterprise is a partnership that encourages and supports residents of social housing in considering self-employment. more…..
Work force development
The Val-U programme aims to support small firms in growing their businesses by harnessing the potential of their work force. more….
Small Business Loans
The availability of loan finance is crucial to the development of many small businesses. Without such assistance many new and innovative businesses will not reach their true potential and invest in new or innovative businesses. oneLondon has a niche role to play in the provision of micro loan facilities and addresses the needs of socially and economically disadvantaged groups.
Small Business Loans
The £2.8m London Business Loan fund was created exclusively for small businesses and entrepreneurs throughout London who have had funding requests turned down by mainstream lenders.
Since the launch in March 2002, over 333 Start up loans have been made to businesses that have been turned down by a mainstream lender and as a result nearly 500 jobs have been created, 61% of these jobs have been for ethnic minorities. We currently have over £1.5m under management for Business Link for London.
Please visit the site to find out more information.