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Let’s Meet Up!


Newsletter 25th September 2024

Mingle and a Nibble! 

Join us as we celebrate LCB Depot’s 20th anniversary by hosting an informal meet-up on Thursday 10th October. Taking place at the LCB Depot from 5pm until the last person leaves, this provides the perfect chance for fashion creatives in the region to mingle.

We can probably all agree it’s been a long, hard slog in the fashion industry, so now is a great time to meet up, have a few drinks and just be who we are. We have many friends and colleagues in Leicester and this is our way of saying thank-you to such a great bunch of people. There is no agenda here, but to gain access you need to register please with: beth@fashion-enter.com  

Let’s just celebrate our glorious fashion sector – Thursday 10th October from 5pm at LCB Depot, 31 Rutland Street, Leicester LE1 1RE.

LCB Depot Week Long Celebration

LCB Depot offers workspace, venue hire, exhibitions, events and more to Leicester’s creative community. Below is a list of the events taking place to celebrate its 20th anniversary, the FEL Fashion Hub team will be engaging and supporting throughout the week.


Save the Date!

Our new Fashion Hub in Leicester is about to go live with a new Fashion Studio and Repair Centre! It’s time to really put fashion sustainability on the map in Leicester! More on this very soon!

UKFT Conference Tomorrow

On 26th September the UKFT’s Sustainability Conference 2024 will delve deeper into ‘Tackling Textile Waste in the UK: Legislation, Impact and Solutions‘.

The 2024 edition will build on the success of the 2023 and 2022 Sustainability Conferences, by providing clear guidance and updates on the latest developments in Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and recycling initiatives in the UK.

This event is specifically tailored to offer UK brands and retailers’ compliance and sustainability teams, recyclers, government, universities and other organisations the tools they need to tackle textile waste in the UK.

Speakers at the conference include a broad range of industry professionals, including Jenny Holloway, Fashion-Enter Ltd / FashionCapital’s CEO. Jenny will be joining Tim Cross, Plan B/Circular Textiles Foundation and Tony Burns, ACS, to discuss solutions beyond waste management.

Please note this is a private industry-only event organised by UKFT.

3D TechFest with Alvanon

Yesterday, 24th September, FEL CEO Jenny Holloway was invited to speak at the 3D Tech Fest, presented by Alvanon. 3D Tech Fest is a free, online event that discusses a range of subjects and the core topic this year centres on – The Physical-Digital Evolution. This year’s event has attracted 5800 registrations, as of 25th Sept, and is set to be the biggest edition to date. 

Jenny said: “The line-up of speakers was awesome, and fortunately for me the event was so well attended my session was late and I had the privilege of listening to some of the panelists. Wow – the content was so current and refreshingly positive with the very latest in technology and trends. Next year I’ll be signing up as an attendee! Huge well-done to Janice Wang and Sue Waters for organising this event.”

This insightful event is free to join and continues today, 25th and tomorrow 26th, please register at: www.3DTechFest.com 

From Digital to Physical in 7 Days

From London Fashion Week to Digital Fashion Week, the Fashion Studio team have done it again making the physical garments for PhygitalTwin and competition winner Rakee Chen presented on the Digital Fashion Week runway. The Fashion Studio team turned around the winning looks in a matter of days. 

PhygitalTwin is closing the digital / physical gap by: Turning complex 3D digital designs into wearable garments for commercial entity. Navigating fabric, fit, and construction challenges that don’t exist in the digital realm. Delivering perfect fit and feel by selecting materials that match the digital design’s intent. Ensuring all tech packs and specs were factory-ready and delivering physical garments in just 7 days! Tap here to find out more about this innovative concept.

Need production support? Contact the Fashion Studio team: thefashionstudio@fashion-enter.com

They can stitch any product from tailoring and haute couture to samples and swimwear.

Free Expert Support and Advice

This morning, from 10 – 11, FEL held its September edition of is free masterclass series. Led by Garment Technologist Sonia Watson, the topic focused on the importance of quality control throughout the garment manufacturing journey. From the inspection of raw materials to final product checks, Sonia advised on what every clothing business needs to know to ensure spot-on business practices. Attendees fed back with lots of positive comments on how helpful and interesting the session was.

Next month’s free masterclass: Top 10 Tips to Create a Strong Team and Partnership with your Manufacturer with Caroline Ash, takes place Wednesday 30th October, 10:00am – 11:00am, tap here to register your free place.

FEL to Join ASBCI Autumn Conference

FEL Founder and CEO, Jenny Holloway, has been invited to speak at the ASBCI Autumn Conference next month. Titled ‘Artificial Intelligence in Fashion’, Jenny will join representatives from ASOS, Insider Trends, The Fashion Guild, Recomme and others, to present their knowledge on how AI is already revolutionising the industry, driving innovation, and creating competitive advantages. Taking place 16th October in Halifax, to find out more and register interest tap here.

Skills Bootcamp in Garment Production Techniques

Do you work in the industry but are in need of further garment construction knowledge? Then you might want to consider attending a Skills Bootcamp in Garment Production Techniques at FEL’s Fashion Hub in Leicester.

Skills Bootcamps are flexible 4-week courses. They equip individuals with sector specific skills essential for their business or career development.

Interested? Please contact divya@fashion-enter.com to find out more

Fashion Hub, Phoenix House, 2nd Floor, 1 King Street, Leicester, LE1 6RN.

Masterclasses and Courses 

Roll-on courses: 

Available at all campuses Islington, Haringey and Leicester: 

Level 1 & 2 in Stitching

Level 1 & 2 in Patterns

Various Levels in Tailoring

Diploma in Fashion Design and Business 


19th Oct – Saturday Stitching Club – Creating a Dress (Intermediate) – FC Designer Workspace – £30

9th Nov – Saturday Stitching Club – Introduction to Sewing – FC Designer Workspace – £30

Pattern Cutting:

19th Oct – Saturday Pattern Cutting Class: Made to Measure Skirt – FC Designer Workspace – £35

9th Nov – Saturday Pattern Cutting Class: Made to Measure Basic Bodice and Sleeves – FC Designer Workspace – £35


12th Nov – 10th Dec – 1 Day a Week Introduction to Soft Tailoring Techniques for Beginners – FC Designer Workspace – £150

Repair and Upcycling Drop In:

15th Oct – Repair and Upcycle Drop-In – FC Designer Collective shop – Free

Business Advice and Support:

30th Oct –Top 10 Tips to Create a Strong Team and Partnership with your Manufacturer– Free

Gerber Accumark:

1st – 3rd Oct – Gerber Accumark for Beginners – Haringey campus – £499


For those interested in Style3D please scan the QR Code below. 

Contact us: education@fashion-enter.com or call 0208 809 3311

This Week on FashionCapital…

Sustainable Fashion Week – The Power of Repair

And Finally…Happy Sustainable Fashion Week

All over the UK there are various workshops and events with a sustainability and reuse focus. At FEL, we are driven towards sustainability every week, and if you are in need of repairs and reuse support please come and visit our monthly Repair Drop In sessions, courtesy of Islington Council at the FC Designer Collective shop. Or for more in-depth tuition on sewing, patterns, tailoring and upcycling check out our beginner classes at the FC Designer Workspace via this eventbrite page. If you are a fashion business looking to incorporate repair and repurpose into your business model we can help, get in touch with thefactory@fashion-enter.com 

Until next time, have a great week.

From the Team at FashionCapital 

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