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Newsletter 22nd January 2025

London Councillors Visit FEL HQ

At the start of the week (20th January), the FEL team welcomed over 30 representatives from the councils of London, for an on-site presentation and tour. The visit was a part of One World Living programme which addresses sustainability issues and aims to embed practical solutions across the boroughs of London.

Jenny Holloway commented: “It was superb to welcome councillors across the boroughs of London to our head office in Haringey and review firsthand the various initiatives that are taking place with waste. With the advent of legislation occurring in 2026 with repairs and End Producer Responsibility there is confusion regarding the onus of liability on waste, recycling and repairs. 

“We discussed the 6Rs of waste and impact of fast fashion, not only in the UK but the global issues this is causing. We also reviewed our successful programmes that now include regular repair workshops with the residents of Islington, and the new programme for schools with free uniform repairs. 

“We are looking forward to opening new lines of communication with London Councils and working directly with different boroughs for repairs and reprocessing. Thank you to Mike and Rachel for including us in this much needed programme for London.”    

#OneWorldLiving #BeTheSolution

Fantastic Feedback On ‘Be Your Own Boss’

Last week’s masterclass ‘Be Your Own Boss’ received such fantastic feedback that we want to remind FashionCapital users about the ‘Advice and Support’ section on the site. Technical issues with this section have now been resolved and we are regularly updating with useful information and advice for those working or starting up in the industry. The PowerPoint presentation from the ‘Be Your Own Boss’ session is available to download and you can find articles from lawyers, business owners, industry experts and more.

Tomorrow’s Masterclass: Breaking into Fashion

For those wanting to work in fashion but unsure of what direction to take then tomorrow Thursday 23rd January from 10am Breaking into Fashion: Myths, Realities, and Roadmaps, is the perfect masterclass for you. From career roles and education to technology and trends, hear all the options to help you decide your next move.

Staff Training Mental Health First Aid 

On 17th January Fashion-Enter Ltd staff that teach and work with learners and apprentices attended a training session on Mental Health First Aid. Staff from the Fashion Technology Academy in Islington, Haringey and the Fashion Hub Leicester attended the training session online.

Led by Jenny Holloway CEO of FEL/FashionCapital, Jenny has completed a Level 2 NCFE Counselling Course, followed by The Counselling and Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body (CPCAB) Level 5 Diploma in Mental Health and Wellbeing Awareness in May 2024. 

Head of Education at FEL Lan Leeder said: “This was a refresher on Mental Health First Aid: what to do if we come across someone with mental health issues and the correct procedures to take. 

“Excellent CPD session. Jenny was very engaging and delivered the content at an excellent pace. I completed a mental health course about 3-4 years ago, so this session was beneficial for refreshing my knowledge on how to address mental health issues with both learners and myself.”

Next Tuesday: Free School Uniform Repair Workshop

Taking place at our shop: FC Designer Collective, we have the equipment and technical expertise to support parents and carers of children from any school or age group with their uniform repairs.

Hosted in partnership with Islington Council this is a beginner-friendly, free workshop for uniforms in need of repair or alteration. Everyone is welcome, and all materials will be provided.

Drop-in anytime from 10am to 4pm Tuesday, 28th January at the FC Designer Collective, 113-115 Fonthill Road, London, N4 3HH. Tap here to register your interest.

In the Press: FEL Featured on YourMoney.com

In November the FEL team welcomed Peter Michaelis and other investors to our factory for a seminar and tour as a part of a Barclays programme with us. Since his visit Peter has written an impactful article: ‘A Sustainable Approach to Investments in Fashion’ which was recently published on YourMoney.com 

To read this informative piece that champions sustainable and circular business models tap here.

Masterclasses and Courses

Roll-on courses: 

Available at all campuses Islington, Haringey and Leicester.

Level 1 & 2 in Stitching

Level 1 & 2 in Patterns

Various Levels in Tailoring

Diploma in Fashion Design and Business 


27 January – 2-Day Stitching Course Mastering Dress and T-Shirt Construction – FC Designer Workspace – £70

29 January – 2-Day Stitching Course Mastering Skirt and Trouser Construction – FC Designer Workspace – £70

3 February – 4-Day Introduction to Sewing and Garment Making – FC Designer Workspace – £110

10 February – 4-Day Intermediate Stitching Course Mastering Garment Construction – FC Designer Workspace – £110

Pattern Cutting:

17 February – 2-Day Beginners Pattern Cutting Skirt and Bodice with Sleeves – FTA Haringey – £70

19 February – 2-Day Darted Bodice Pattern Cutting – FTA Haringey – £70

Repair and Upcycling Drop In:

28 January – Free School Uniform Repair Workshop – FC Designer Collective shop, Fonthill Road

11 February – Repair and Upcycle Drop-In – FC Designer Collective shop, Fonthill Road

Business Advice:

23 January – Masterclass: Breaking into Fashion: Myths, Realities, and Roadmaps – 10 – 11am – (Free via Zoom)

For all course enquiries contact: education@fashion-enter.com or call 0208 809 3311

This Week on FashionCapital…

Almost half of people living in England and Wales are turning to charity shops or considering second-hand alternatives in this time of rising costs. The Co-operative Bank recently conducted a study to identify the best cities in the UK for shopping second-hand, tap here to read which UK cities rank the highest for thrift store finds.

And Finally…Upcycling & Stitching at the Fashion Hub

FEL’s Fashion Hub in Leicester held its third bespoke Upcycling and Stitching masterclass with Twin Employment and Training last week. Fashion Hub is currently delivering two, 3-hour sessions a month to participants, referred by Twin Group, wanting to explore training and employment options in the fashion and textile sector. The feedback, so far, has been excellent. Tap here to find out more. 

For more information on courses, workshops and services at the Fashion Hub Leicester please contact: divya@fashion-enter.com

Until next time, have a great week.

From the Team at FashionCapital 

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