HOPE – FX Shortlisted for HSJ Award
The FEL team is thrilled that their HOPE-FX project, in collaboration with North London Mental Health Partnership, has been shortlisted for a HSJ Award, in the Early Intervention and Prevention category.
FEL Founder, Jenny Holloway, commented: “How far you have come Zac Holloway! No one knows how painful adverse mental health can be for the individual, the family and loved ones. The journey to become stronger than before, to readjust your values and beliefs and to grow is painstaking long and hard.
“Mental healthis not like a broken leg that all can see and improves each day – it’s a process and everyone can get lost in that process, be utterly confused and bewildered. Zac has taken that journey and made the learnings into something positive for others with HOPE-FX – Zac wanted to make a difference and help people and he did it!
“After running the project for the first time with a small group of individuals from September 2023 and seeing their confidence grow, we are thrilled to hear that HOPE-FX has been shortlisted for a HSJ Award in the Early Intervention and Prevention category.
“HOPE-FX would not have have been possible without amazing people such as Jinger Kandola MBE, Sir Norman Lamb, Dr Nina Browne, Jonathan Wells, Ana Cover, Beth Davy-Day and our team at Fashion Technology Academy.
“It’s such a fantastic collaboration between the public and private sector. If the Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust hadn’t seen the potential to try a new approach for supporting mental health wellbeing none of this success would have been possible! Thankfully there are people in the NHS that think outside of the box. Huge appreciation to everyone involved including Norv Bell.
“The participants in the first HOPE-FX programme were an inspiration to everyone too – we are still continuing to work with some today and we’re now working with Dr Nina Browne on HOPE-FX2.
Dr Nina Browne added: “It’s been great to partner with you on this and co-design something that can have real impact with young people.”
Jenny continues: “For people who are in a dark space there is light; do not be afraid to tell your story and be honest. There are many people that need to hear your words!
“Whether we win or not at the awards in November is irrelevant – we are all winners and you, Zac Holloway, should hold your head high and be proud! To new horizons.”