From Digital to Physical in 7 Days

From London Fashion Week to Digital Fashion Week, the Fashion Studio team have done it again making the physical garments for PhygitalTwin and competition winner Rakee Chen presented on the Digital Fashion Week catwalk.
Digital Fashion Week aims to influence the future of fashion by exploring innovation in the fashion industry from design concept to consumer. The September 2024 edition took place in New York and London, and combined networking and talks with presentations and catwalk shows.
PhygitalTwin aims to close the digital / physical gap by turning complex 3D digital designs into wearable garments for commercial entity. This includes navigating fabric, fit, and construction challenges that don’t exist in the digital realm. Delivering perfect fit and feel by selecting materials that match the digital design’s intent. Ensuring all tech packs and specs are factory-ready, and here’s where FEL’s talented Fashion Studio comes in, making the garments – taking them from digital to physical in just 7 days! Tap here to find out more about this innovative concept.

Need sampling and production support? Contact the Fashion Studio team: The Fashion Studio can stitch any product from tailoring and haute couture to samples and swimwear.