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Big Apple Diary


As U.S. Department and Specialty stores continue to report October sales results it is apparent that the holiday shopping season continues to look increasingly dismal. Overall retail sales fell by 2.2% …a record decline.  To break this down more specifically, sales at general merchandise stores which is the category that includes big chains such as Wal-Mart and department stores, fell by 0.4% while sales at specialty clothing stores were down more at minus 1.4%

And hence the "panic factor" on the part of the retailer to minimize losses & reduce inventories begins as they face the most challenging holiday season in years. But there is a bright side for the consumer as Traditional "brick & mortar" stores, Outlet stores, and Websites desperately seek shoppers. The special deals have already begun!!! This is a full 2 weeks earlier than the traditional kick off date of the US holiday shopping season, the Friday after Thanksgiving, this year November 28th. 

No customer is excluded in this tough retail climate as every tier of retailer, catalog or website attempts to creatively reach out and entice the shopper to spend $$$$$$$$'s

Thanksgiving Sale

Saks Fifth Avenue

Factory Store

As Thanksgiving approaches and Black Friday looms for all U.S. retailers, there is a limited window of opportunity for merchants to be creative in their effort to lure the customer. Although people are definitely cutting back on spending, one thing they can count on is that people are still going to spend money, it is just a matter of where???

To be continued………

By Cheryl Nowak


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