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30 London Council Reps Address Textile Waste at FEL’s Haringey HQ


On Monday 20th January, Fashion-Enter Ltd (FEL) welcomed over 30 representatives from the councils of London to its Haringey head office. The visit was a part of One World Living programme which addresses sustainability issues and aims to embed practical solutions across the boroughs of London.

It was fantastic to see such a large turnout to this important initiative that the FEL team divided the group into two for the presentation and tour. One group was led by FEL Director Caroline Ash for the full factory and repairs tour, while the other group was headed by FashionCapital/FEL CEO Jenny Holloway, for a presentation on ethical garment manufacturing and the initiatives that are taking place throughout the UK. 

The organisers of the event, the London Councils and their One World Living (OWL) programme is focused on the issue of waste and how to prepare for future legislation uniting boroughs throughout London to implement effective strategies. 

Jenny Holloway commented: “It was superb to welcome councillors across the boroughs of London to our head office in Haringey and review firsthand the various initiatives that are taking place with waste. With the advent of legislation occurring in 2026 with repairs and End Producer Responsibility there is confusion regarding the onus of liability on waste, recycling and repairs. 

“We discussed the 6Rs of waste and impact of fast fashion, not only in the UK but the global issues this is causing. We also reviewed our successful programmes that now include regular repair workshops with the residents of Islington, and the new programme for schools with free repairs on school uniforms. 

“We are looking forward to opening new lines of communication with London Councils and working directly with different boroughs for repairs and reprocessing. Thank you to Mike and Rachel for including us in this much needed programme for London.”    

Over the next two years the One World Living will focus on creating a city-wide and bottom-up model of consumption-based emissions reduction. It will continue to focus on the three main action areas identified where local authorities can make a real difference:

1) Engaging with Communities – enabling London boroughs to support businesses and residents to take practical actions

2) Data-Driven & Influencing Policy – developing good data which London can rely upon and influence change

3) Within Organisations – reducing consumption emissions within councils – walk the talk

One World Living’s work is delivered in partnership with West London Waste Authority and ReLondon.  

One World Textile Visit Intro

One World Living Textile Visit Slides

One World Living Presentation

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