N17 Creative Callings – How to Manufacture Your Garments Part 2

Following on from Part 1 the previous week on Wednesday 27th May we had over 40 individuals signed up to our N17 Creative Callings Employer Engagement seminar on ‘How to Manufacture Your Garments – Part 2 Bulk Production & Lean Manufacturing.’

If you have just started or are looking to grow a business in the Tottenham CEZ area, then please get in touch and we will advise on how N17 Creative Callings, supported by the Mayor of London and the European Social Fund, can help you and your business. Contact Esme: esme@fashion-enter.com

In Part 2 Fashion-Enter Ltd CEO Jenny Holloway and Production Director Caroline Ash combined their manufacturing expertise to explain each stage of production for a brand that is ready to produce in larger and regular quantities. Vital to the process is the necessary paperwork, clear communication and understanding how a factory works and the timings involved.

The online seminar agenda included:
+ Intro and welcome
+ Overview of the N17 Creative Callings programme
+ What exactly is fast fashion (it’s not landfill!)
+ Standard minutes in a factory environment
+ Practical examples of how to cost a garment in real time
+ Understanding machine times and processes in larger scale production
+ How to achieve the same “look” for less – construction techniques
+ Common production faults and issues – how to avoid them
+ What to do when it does go wrong – what is a win win
+ Q&A – participants were invited to discuss their production concerns
The session was well received with many participants asking pertinent questions and requesting key document downloads.
Feedback included:
“I found what type of paperwork is required for a large production most useful.”
“It was good to get to know mentors, get to meet other like-minded people and learning such a lot about an industry I have a passion for.”
“The part about testing was very interesting. I am thinking about working with smaller fabric producers and maybe doing some dying/printing myself so ensuring the results are of good quality will be very important. I also really enjoyed the factory and seeing the machinists at work.”
“I found the step-by-step detailed information on the process of garment sampling to bulk production very useful.”
“The tour of the factory was an eye opener.”
“Honest industry information passed by honest people as always – Jenny Holloway and Caroline Ash.”

Next seminar…N17 Creative Callings: The New Fashion Paradigm masterclass with James Stewart will take place via Zoom online 11:00am – 13.00pm on Wednesday 3rd June.