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Fashion – Enter Ltd’s Ofsted Report Live & Online


On the 20th and 21st October 2021, Ofsted inspected Fashion-Enter Ltd’s educational provision for fashion and textile apprenticeships. The Ofsted inspection report is now live and online, tap here to view, we are pleased to say we were rated ‘Good’ across all six criteria:

Overall effectiveness

The quality of education 

Behaviour and attitudes 

Personal development 

Leadership and management 


The inspection team included Lynda Brown, lead inspector, Rebecca Jennings and Saskia Niderost. Inspectors collected a wide range of evidence to inform judgements, including visiting learning sessions, scrutinising learners’ work, seeking the views of learners, staff and other stakeholders, and examining the provider’s documentation and records.

Views of the current cohort of apprentices included:

Apprentices appreciate the support that staff at FEL provide. They enjoy their training and the environment in which they work. They benefit from studying in a realistic factory environment and working closely with industry experts. This experience provides them with a thorough understanding of the businesses in which they plan to work.

Apprentices develop new knowledge, skills and behaviours through the work that they do at the factory and in their workplaces. As a result, apprentices are highly motivated, they value their training and are keen to achieve their qualifications.

Apprentices are taught by highly skilled and knowledgeable tutors who have extensive experience in the fashion industry. Tutors use their experience well to provide apprentices with a valuable professional insight into the fashion industry.

Apprentices recognise that the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in them not having the broad range of experience that they had prior to lockdown, but they are now appreciative that these opportunities are available to them. For example, they now benefit from working directly with different materials and gaining hands-on experience rather than learning about these online. 

Fashion-Enter Ltd CEO Jenny Holloway said: “A big thank-you to our apprenticeship tutors, they work really hard to ensure all of our learners gain excellent, industry relevant skills. The inspection was very meticulous and it’s been a challenging year with the pandemic, however our tutors have managed to adapt to continually include and support our apprentices on their learning journey. Well-done team.”

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