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George At Asda Attend Fourth CPPD


With many of the employees having never seen how a factory runs before, the group was keen to conduct their tour and find out just what happens behind closed doors!  Starting their session with Jenny Holloway giving an overview of the company, the group gained insight into just what we do here at Fashion Enter and also had the opportunity to find out more about how we started, our sister companies and the future of British manufacturing.

Leading the group to the factory floor, Jenny was on hand to discuss each stage of production as well as informing the group what makes a factory SMETA approved.  They also witnessed and discovered how quality assurance can impact the critical path, saw how each industrial machine is used to complete different stages of production for garments and also found out how to cost a garment.

Feedback from the group includes;

“I have learnt how a factory works, how to cost a garment and how long it actually takes to complete a garment.” – Danielle, Assistant Buyer

“Today has taught me about the three stitching processes and more about pattern cutting.  The workshop was very interesting and engaging.” – Chloe, Assistant Buyer

“I have learnt more information on fabrics and how to complete garments with costings and timings.  It was great to get information from very experience fashion workers and the real people behind the products/manufacturing.” – Heather, Ethical & Compliance Assistant

“I came today as an observer and it was good to see how colleagues interact and ask questions.  It was a fantastic opportunity to come and it was good to hear experiences from Fashion Enter – it puts things into perspective for colleagues who may have never visited a working factory before.” – Stacy, Training Coordinator

“I have learnt the understanding of how a factory works day to day and all of the rules.” – Toni, Assistant Designer

“I have never seen a factory before so today has been really insightful on how things work, the processes and how fast it all runs.” – Jess, Assistant Designer

“It was great to enhance technical knowledge from each stage of garment production and it was really valuable to see from the supplier side.  I really liked that the content was delivered by Jenny who has experience on both buyer, customer and supplier and so can deliver info with perspective of both sides.” – Vicki, Assistant Buyer

“This CPPD has taught me the step by step process of garment manufacturing and also how to cost a garment.” – Abigail, Assistant Buyer

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