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Fashion Retail Academy Visit Fashion Enter and the FTA

On Thursday 15th December two groups of young fashion students at the Fashion Retail Academy visited Fashion Enter to discover just how a British manufacturing company works and the work that goes into producing garments for retailers including ASOS.com and M&S in the factory.
With the ability to see first-hand how a live working factory operates the group were keen to commence their tour with Jenny Holloway. Throughout Jenny ensured the group were informed of the health and safety requirements in the factory along with the names of different machines and what each does. In addition, the students were able to talk to others that work in the factory including Factory Manager Chris and Studio Assistant Rosie.
Having seen the factory, the group moved to the Fashion Studio which was established in 2008. The Fashion Studio creates first patterns, toiling, seals, grades and short run production from 1 unit to 300 units and can stitch any product including tailoring, haute couture, wedding dresses, promotional garments, lingerie, swimwear and theatre costume garments.
With our education facilities on location, students were introduced to our teachers and were presented with the opportunity to see what the Stitching Academy and Fashion Technology Academy students learn.
Ending their tour, the group commented:
“I have learnt how clothes are actually produced and I know understand checks that should be carried out as a buyer to ensure staff safety and good quality items.” – Abbie
“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed seeing a factory – it has clarified my perception of what a factory is actually like. The speakers have taught me things that I will take forward into working life.” – Eden
“It has been nice to actually visualise things we have previously learnt in education which gives a better understanding of the manufacturing process.” – Poppi
“Today has shown me the different health and safety regulations and the different stages that a garment goes through.” – Megan
“This seminar has taught me what an efficient and effective factory should be and also about the factory as a company itself. Really information speakers made us feel welcome.” – Bethanie
“The factory visit was really beneficial for future job applications and connects to what has been spoken about in class.” – Megan K