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3 Steps to Get What You Want

September 7, 2024 - September 7, 2024   

It can seem difficult in this turbulent time to get what you want – here are 3 steps for turning your dreams to reality.

 1.    Write down your objectives

If you can pinpoint exactly what it is you want and what you need help with then you’re more likely to find a solution.

Begin by writing the words: ‘I would love to’ and make a list. Make sure that when you go over the list and elaborate on each point. Go over this list on a regular basis – keep it somewhere where you can regularly check it and see how your objectives are going!

2.    Research your options

How can you achieve your ambitions? Research ways you could get to where you want to be, courses that you could take, jobs that you could do and people that could help.
Think of it as building your team – from family members, friends and colleagues.

Write down another list of everybody you know and their skills or good or points so you can work out who can help you.

3.    Take action

It could be that you need help with starting your own business and know entrepreneurs who can advice, or even something more personal like developing you confidence.

Pair together your objectives and helpers. Then write our priority list of what you need help with first and start making phone calls or appointments.

Make a few copies of this list, keep one by your bed, one on the fridge and one in your purse so that you can read and re-read, the more you see your dreams on paper, the more real they will seem.



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