Fashion Industry Meet to Fashion the Future
September 7, 2024 - September 7, 2024
Monday 27 and Tuesday 28 October 2008, Supported by
London College of Fashion, the UK’s leading provider of fashion education and the Centre for Sustainable Fashion, are delighted to announce the Fashioning the Future Summit and catwalk show; this inaugural event will seek to engage and challenge the fashion industry to think differently about fashion.
The Summit will open on Monday 27 October with the Fashioning the Future Catwalk Show which will showcase innovative and iconoclastic work from designers, whose personal values articulate beauty, style beyond fashion, a new definition of luxury and a revolutionary and hence more sustainable approach to fashion.
The catwalk will also showcase work by finalists of the Fashioning the Future international student competition, sponsored by, and judged by Visiting Professor Colin McDowell (Sunday Times), Sim Scavazza ( Creative Director), Caryn Franklin (Writer and Broadcaster and Ambassador for the Centre for Sustainable Fashion) and Dr Frances Corner (Head of London College of Fashion). The winners and runners-up will be announced at the end of the show.
Attending the show will be Ambassador for the Centre for Sustainable Fashion Jo Wood with her daughter Leah and British Fashion Council Chairman and LCF alumnus Harold Tillman.
The following day will be an opportunity for invited industry experts and change makers to work to evolve a dynamic, forward-thinking and practical approach to helping the fashion industry become more sustainable. Surveying working practice and consumer trends the summit will focus on the issue of consumption. Key note speakers include the hugely successful global fashion entrepreneur Sung-Joo Kim, renowned US architect specialising in sustainable design, Michael McDonough, Anthony Kleanthous, researcher and writer and Senior Policy Advisor for WWF-UK and eco-queen and BBC ONE show presenter Lucy Siegle.
Conclusions from the summit will be published later in the year and will set out tactics for change for industry and education through the Centre for Sustainable Fashion which in turn will support the fashion industry to change the way it does business.
In an age of ever increasing speed and accessibility of fashion, our shift in consumer purchasing habits over the past ten years is easily illustrated; the average UK woman currently purchases 34 items of clothing a year, a 79% increase in the last ten years, which translates into 2.15 million tonnes of clothing and a total of £38.4 billion spend – with £1 in every £4 of this total spent on bargain fashion.
Although there are signs of an increased awareness of the ethical and environmental impact of current consumer behaviour, sustainability in fashion cannot be achieved through niche markets alone. The Centre for Sustainable Fashion and London College of Fashion.
London College of Fashion recognises that helping the fashion industry become more sustainable is a huge creative opportunity for designers – this inaugural summit: Fashioning the Future will help to harness these ideas.
For more info and details about each individual designer please speak to the press office: Rebecca Munro 0044 (0) 207 514 2998 (full details below).
Notes to Editors’
Centre for Sustainable Fashion
The Centre for Sustainable Fashion (CSF) which launched in early 2008 has been developed by LCF to be an internationally recognised and globally connected catalyst for change, fully integrated with industry to create better lives through a sustainable fashion economy.
Ethical fashion pioneer is fast becoming ”˜the’ one-stop-eco-shop with over 70 desirable brands in fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Every item is made with respect for people and/or the planet, making it easy for you to opt for an ethical lifestyle without compromising on style. Although only just two years old, Adili is already committing itself to support and nurture young designers from around the world who want to work in the ethical arena.
“The Adili ethos is about creating positive fashion, encouraging and supporting ethical and environmental practices. It has always been our goal to produce our own label products working with communities and projects across the world to create high quality, desirable fashion and accessories that will sell in the West and bring money into the community.” Adam Smith, CEO.
London College of Fashion
London College of Fashion has an international reputation as a leading provider of fashion education, research and consultancy. The unique portfolio of specialist courses range in level, from Foundation to Postgraduate. The subject range corresponds to the process of the creation, production and promotion of fashion and the management and marketing of those activities. Many of the College’s courses are unique to the UK and offer students an experience unmatched by even a handful of specialist colleges worldwide.