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February 14, 2025 - February 14, 2025   

CEO Jenny Holloway speaks to Tommy Stubbington of the Sunday Times about her concerns surrounding the EU Brexit.

5 june jenny brexit sunday times

Jenny Holloway, CEO of Fashion Enter, has been featured in today’s (05/06/16) Business section of The Sunday Times.  Featured on page 6, Jenny tells writer Tommy Stubbington how the Brexit could impact the company, and more importantly the skilled workers employed.

Fashion Enter was originally set up with funding from ASOS.com to promote a home grown company that are proud to be ’Made in Britain’,  however relies on the skills from Eastern European workers to help produce and manufacture garments every day.

“The staff are getting increasingly worried about what happens if Britain votes for Brexit on June 23rd… We have had ripples of concerns.  Many aren’t sure if they would be able to stay, or whether they could go home to visit their loved ones.”

“Right now, it’s anything to keep your workforce happy.”

Further speaking on the Brexit, Jenny states, “We are against the Brexit.  We have a skills shortage in the UK after prolonged off shoring of production.  Today our factory workforce is highly skilled with many machinists coming from Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary and Lithuania. Whilst our Fashion Technology Academy is building up succession planning for the future now it will take time to have an army of UK born skilled machinists ready to keep waving that Made in Britain. Leaving the EU will make recruitment of migrant staff more difficult and will adversely affect our growth plans for the future with our accounts such as M&S, ASOS.com and Finery.”

Read the full article on page 6 of the Sunday Times.

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