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BBC Patrick Grant Debate on Fast Fashion with Jenny Holloway

January 25, 2025 - January 25, 2025   

Our very own CEO Jenny Holloway recently sat down and debated ‘fast fashion’ with Patrick Grant, the British menswear designer best known as a judge on the TV programme ‘The Great British Sewing Bee,’ for a Radio 4 ‘In Business’ feature.

We all know that the fashion industry is hugely polluting, producing about 1.2 billion tonnes of carbon emissions – and it is now under huge pressure to become more sustainable.

However, as consumers we have become used to fashion at cheap as chips prices, will people want to pay more for ethically made garments?

Patrick went to meet Jenny at her North London factory to discuss whether fashion can be both affordable and sustainable.

Jenny comments: “In our world fast fashion is speedy response.”

“We absolutely endorse sustainability. I’m just trying to be realistic about the masses out there. Until there is more education within the school environment, and until those consumers that are pressing that button to buy because they have seen the latest celebrity wearing it realises what the physical, emotional and social cost is, it’s not going to change.”

“It is happening, but it’s a process and it takes time.”

To view the promo video for this debate click here.

To hear the entire 27-minute feature, first aired on Radio 4 on the 23rd January 2020, click here.


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