Upskill in Just 4 Days!

Newsletter 22nd March 2023

Introducing the 4 Day Pattern Course

Coming up this spring we have two 4-day courses that will give you the confidence and ability to carry out clothes making projects at home, or as a stepping stone to progress further.
New on the agenda is an Intensive Beginners 4-Day Pattern Cutting course. Pattern cutting is a skill that is in high demand and this course provides an excellent introduction from our supportive team that clearly explains all you need to know step-by-step.
Commencing 11th April 2023 tap here to find out more.
4 Day Stitching & Upcycling Course

Learn how to make basic garments and rework existing pieces in this popular 4-day workshop at the FC Designer Workspace.
A previous learner said: “I learnt so much. The trainers are excellent, very patient and nothing felt too much for them. They were happy to repeat instructions without going crazy. Thank-you, it has been a fantastic 4-days.”
The next 4-day Stitching and Upcycling session takes place at the FC Designer Workspace 9 Durham Road, London N7 7FB from 11th April tap here for more info and to book.
Today’s Free Masterclass: UK V’s Overseas Sourcing with Jackie Bertram

This morning, 22nd March, from 10am our Deputy CEO Jackie Bertram has been presenting a free 2-hour masterclass on local and international sourcing. Attendees included FC Designer Workspace learners and individuals online.

The next free masterclass will take place next month, 26th April: 10 Strategies to Create an Ethical Brand from Yarn Sourcing to Works Rights’ with Caroline Ash.
London Repair Week at the Collective

This week we’ve had a variety of Islington residents popping into our FC Designer Collective shop on Fonthill Road with their personal clothing repairs and upcycling ideas. Stitching technician Leyla has been in her element and the shop has been buzzing with activity.
If you are an Islington resident and would like to drop in for a repair, remake, or have a go on the industrial machines this is a free initiative supported by Islington Council.

London Repair Week at FC Designer Collective, 113-115 Fonthill Road is running for one more day – Thursday 23rd March 10.00 – 15.00 and will culminate with a unique showcase of reclaimed garments on Friday 24th March.
Tap here to book your free place.
Two Workspace Studios Available

Are you looking for affordable studio space to develop your creative business? The FC Designer Workspace on Durham Road currently has two studios available, both 23 sqm. To find out more about the FC Designer Workspace and the studios tap here.
Staff News…
Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing
From the 1st April FEL will be welcoming back former Development Director Jenni Sutton. Since leaving last year she has been training as a cognitive hypnotherapist and Belief Coding facilitator and is now in a position to offer support and guidance.

CEO Jenny Holloway said: “Jenni has worked with FEL from its conception in 2006 and knows FEL inside and out. This is why we are delighted to welcome Jenni as a mental health wellbeing officer who will support staff and learners. This coincides with the news that the Princess of Wales is working with @earlychildhood and the next chapter in the #ShapingUs initiative that focuses on the importance of mental health and relationships. We are following these guidelines and doing the best we can to help our staff.
“Jenni starts on 1st April and she’s warmly welcomed.”
New to the Team…

We also welcome Ingrid, Head of Education at the Fashion Technology Academy. Ingrid comments: “I have worked in the work-based learning sector for over 16-years delivering and managing programmes from Apprenticeships L2 – L6, traineeships, and study programmes for private and public providers.
“My experience includes programme innovation, training & mentoring, business improvement strategies, and quality of teaching and learning.
I am excited to join FEL next week and be part of your journey of bringing skills back to the UK.”

Plus another welcome to new FTA tutor Manuela, she has completed our Level 1 and 2 courses and is ready to share her knowledge and skills. Tap here to watch a short YouTube interview with Manuela.
Apprentices – Leading By Example

As one of the largest training providers of Advanced Apprenticeships for Fashion and Textiles we can provide a unique factory backdrop that enables learners to be industry ready.
Currently at the Factory we have been working with excellent businesses that support Made in the UK such as The Very Group and Community Clothing. We explain the importance of ethical and best practices and how this applies to their apprenticeship roles and careers going forward.
To find out more about our apprenticeships tap here.
Coming Up: Gerber for Beginners

If you are looking to gain pattern skills digitally then Gerber AccuMark is a good place to start. The next beginners 3-day course takes place from 12th April. Here’s what previous students have said about the course…
“I have learnt how to work the basic functions and venture into some of the exercises. I appreciated the small class size, as it made it easy to ask questions and go over something again. Top marks.” – Esther
“I have learnt so many things from this seminar. I will keep continuing to learn about Gerber in the future. Thank-you so much.” – Yan
Tap here for more info and to book.
Next Week: Made to Measure CEO Experience

Next week on Wednesday 29th March – 3pm – 7pm we are inviting a limited number of women to join us for a unique shopping experience at the FC Designer Collective on Fonthill Road. Attendees will be able to choose a design, select fabric and get Belles of London garments tailored-made to fit perfectly by FEL’s highly experienced stitching technicians.
This unique event provides the chance to get made-to-measure, quality pieces in a relaxed, informal environment.
Wednesday 29th March – 3pm – 7pm at FC Designer Collective, 113 – 115 Fonthill Road, N4
Masterclasses and Courses

Ongoing Stitching, Patterns and Tailoring throughout 2023
11th April: 4 Day Beginners Sewing and Upcycling Workshop
11th April: Intensive Beginners 4-Day Pattern Cutting Course
12th April: Gerber Accumark for Beginners
26th April: 10 Strategies to Create an Ethical Brand from Yarn Sourcing to Works Rights’ with Caroline Ash (Free)
24th May: Top 10 Tips to Create a Strong Team and Partnership with Your Manufacturer with Caroline Ash (Free)
Fabric Swatch of the Week

New at the FC Fabric Studio is this luxe bubble crepe material with a silk handle featuring a vibrant yellow illustrated print. Available now at £6- per metre.
This Week on FashionCapital…

Transform Trade are entering the next stage of their Fashion Watchdog campaign and they are asking crafters to get busy and create a dog to send to MPs as a physical reminder of the campaign and call for change. Tap here to find out more.
And Finally…

Last call for free business support and mentoring via the N17 Creative Callings initiative.
This free, supportive programme has been co-funded by the Mayor of London and European Social Fund. From the beginning Fashion-Enter Ltd and Collage Arts have been working as one to deliver tailored support, training, expert advice and networking for established and start-up creative businesses. Over 2-years Fashion-Enter Ltd has supported, advised, trained and taught local individuals and businesses across many creative sectors, including clothing, accessories, animation and community.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity the programme is due to close 23rd June. To apply contact:
Until next time, have a great week.
The Team at FashionCapital (Sister company to Fashion-Enter Ltd)