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A Local Shop for Local Talent


Newsletter 27th November 2019

Dear all,

Your New Designer Collective Shop Has Arrived!

Calling all London Borough of Islington based designers – your shop is now open!

The New Designer Collective, 113-115 Fonthill Road, houses a unique selection of fashion, accessories and gifts created ethically by local design talent. If you are based in the North London area and would like to be a part of this exciting and local initiative please contact: stephanie@fashion-enter.com for further information or to book a consultation.

We Are Here to Help: N17 Creative Callings

Calling creative small businesses and start-ups in the Tottenham CEZ area – do you need support and practical solutions to ensure business success and growth? Fashion-Enter has recently gone live with the ‘N17 Creative Callings’ initiative.

The project aims to:

+ To support creative SMEs and micro-SMEs based in the Tottenham CEZ area

+ SME/Micro-SME to achieve a sustainable business status within the Tottenham Economic Area

+ To identify and narrow skills gaps for business owners and their teams

+ To provide business training and support packages

+ To provide individuals with accredited training from level 2 up to level 4

+ To provide placement opportunities for people new to the creative industry

We can offer accredited training in: Fashion and Textiles, Leadership and Management, Creative and Digital Media, Developing Social Potential, Professional Development, Retail, Customer Service and Finance.

Each business is unique which is why we offer bespoke business training and support and have an excellent selection of partners to cover your needs. The Fashion-Enter team have worked in Haringey for over 12-years and understands its vibrant and diverse mix of residents.

If you would like to put yourself / your business forward for this free support initiative please contact: N17creativecallings@fashion-enter.com

Looking for Studio Space in North London?

Are you looking for studio space? Located at FashionCapital HQ in North London we have studio space available to rent within our creative hub. The space includes the latest machinery, pattern cutting tables, desk space, computer and skilled technicians. To find out more about the facilities, opening times and cost please click here.

Black Friday – Buy Nothing Repair Something

Where do you stand on Black Friday (29th November)? Do you check out the deals of the day in hope of a fabulous bargain or do you take the buy nothing anti-consumerism stance? Whichever you choose we have a deal that will benefit you and the environment in the long run. We are offering a 10% discount on the ‘Essential Alterations and Upcycling Techniques’ masterclass with Ana Cover. Learn how to alter hemlines, sew buttons correctly, fix seams, repair damaged sections and learn the basics of alterations. Sew and repair life into your old garments in January. Click here on Friday 29th November to gain the 10% discount.

FREE Optitex Introductory Masterclass

Optitex has become the pattern cutting CAD system of choice among some of the biggest High Street retailers and is soon to become the leading fashion product development tool on the market. Senior Pattern Cutter and Optitex tutor Claire Solley will provide a FREE masterclass on the Opititex CAD system and how it can benefit your business. This will also include a tour of Fashion-Enter’s ethical SMETA and Fast Forward audited factory. Due to take place Friday 6th December 2019 from 10am – 12pm at Fashion-Enter ltd, Unit 13 / 14 Crusader Estate, 167 Hermitage Road, London N4 1LZ. Click here to book your place.

BREW Business Programme Invites New Participants

Angela Senior

BREW, run by Wandsworth Council’s Lifelong Learning Team, stands for ‘Building Resilience and Enterprise in Women’ and develops entrepreneurial and digital skills underpinned by coaching in confidence building and motivation.

When Angela Senior went to a previous launch of BREW, aimed at women aged 50+, she saw speaker Jenny Holloway, CEO of Fashion-Enter. A self-employed consultant in the fashion industry Angela gained business insight on the BREW programme and now works for Fashion-Enter creating patterns, prototype samples and small production runs for high-end clients.

“Although I have a first-class honours degree in Fashion Design and 30 years relevant experience, BREW helped me focus on the business side of fashion. Prior to this position, I was working as a consultant using my extensive experience in the clothing industry.  What I’ve ended up with is the most perfect job.

“My advice to other women is that you’ve really got to put yourself out there. I know a number of other women in this industry who aren’t in work and would benefit from this kind of support.”

Click here to find out more and to join the next BREW training programme in January. Places are fully-funded and free. Over five weeks, participants will attend a one-day workshop each week covering three themes.

Managing Stress Success

Last Thursday 21st November, Eric Gilston, Life & Business Coach, and author of Amazon Best Seller, The Life Coach’s Toolbox, ran a workshop at FashionCapital HQ, titled: ‘Strategies for Handling Stress’.

The workshop was very interactive, and those present left with a better understanding about stress, plus the causes of stress. Most important of all, they left with knowledge and actions for what to do when stress arises, as well as learning some preventative actions to take.

Some of the feedback included: “I can manage my stress now, so the workshop has been fantastic.” 

“Eric’s tips on how to relieve my stress were excellent.” 

“Everything that Eric has taught me today was really useful for my everyday living. I am so grateful I met him”.

Eric’s next free masterclass will be on ‘Thinking Positively & Effective Communication’ due to take place on 12th December 2019 tap here for further information and to book your place.

Masterclasses Available:

Your Body; Your Block – Creating Your Own Skirt (evening class) – Starting from 27th November

Free Introduction to Optitex – 6th November 2019

Introduction to Sewing: Making a Tote Bag – 6th December 2019

Thinking Positively & Effective Communication (free) with Eric Gilston – 12th December 2019

Gerber AccuMark Digital Pattern Making for Beginners course – 15th, 16th and 17th January 2020

Essential Alterations & Upcycling Techniques – 22nd & 29th January 2019

Fabric Swatch of the Week

A beautiful burnt orange hammered satin, with a silky touch and textured affect. Available from the FCFabricStudio at £6- per meter.

This Week on FashionCapital.co.uk

Looking to shop more responsibly this Christmas? We offer 3 sustainable fabric tips on what to look for when buying fashion and accessories this festive season.

Exciting news for Prada fans…the Design Museum in Kensington London will be exploring Miuccia Prada’s unique story in an exhibition entitled: Prada. Front and Back.

Meanwhile, we look at 3 key watch trends to look out for according to watchmakers as we head into 2020.

And Finally…

Party season is upon us. If you are looking for some party outfit inspiration then Belles of London have a few sparkly numbers guaranteed to make you shine, all ethically made in our North London factory. Tap here to view.

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