MakeUK Roundtable and The Green Jobs Plan

On 7th November, FEL CEO Jenny Holloway, attended a MakeUK roundtable meeting in central London to discuss The Green Jobs Pan for the manufacturing sector. Attendees included members from a variety of manufacturing industries, including the Automotive and Advanced Manufacturing sectors, as well as individuals from respective educational institutions.
The aim of the session was to discuss the ways that manufacturing companies can ensure a future pipeline of talent to achieve a net zero economy and wider environmental goals. How workers can be supported with the transition, what are the current barriers to recruitment, retention and progression, how to ensure that green jobs are open to all and understand the measures for green practices.
Jenny said: “The Green Jobs Plan is an excellent initiative and we need to ensure that Green Jobs are created and sustained.
“For our industry we need new ways forward. At the roundtable I explained how we have a new programme with United Repair Centre and Patagonia. I discussed how the Economic Development Council of Amsterdam creates credits for people so they can have their clothes repaired free. We do have great initiatives with Islington Council, whereby once a month we hold free repair sessions for Islington residents but that’s not enough and it’s only within one borough.
“I also discussed how we have the only centre in Europe with sustainable on-site fashion practices with Style3D, Kornit and Zund – yet where is the commitment by industry? Why aren’t retailers using the technology and why doesn’t Government create a system whereby TOMs are recognised?
“It was great to meet and talk with the rest of the manufacturers too; the discussions regarding a lack of skills within the sector have been well documented for many years and it is a problem that continues today, especially with higher level skills.
“Thank-you to MakeUK for inviting FEL to this informative discussion.”