Learn All About Fashion Management in Milan

For anyone who loves fashion and wants to make a career out of it, taking the Masters in Fashion, Experience & Design Management (MAFED) in Milan is the perfect fit.
What is fashion management?
Fashion management brings together fashion creation, marketing and retail. It involves the understanding of the latest trends, matching them to retail inventory management and delivering what the fashion-savvy consumer wants. Fashion management is a growing field that provides opportunities for travel as well as becoming a part of the exciting world of style.
The MAFED programme with SDA Bocconi is a fundamental building block for an exciting career in the fashion industry. Discover the world of fashion management in Milan with this Masters – you will deepen the latest management theories putting them into the context of fashion production, marketing, buying and retailing.
Considered one of the best masters in fashion management, MAFED opens up multiple doors giving access to managerial roles in not only fashion but also in the world of luxury goods and design. MAFED students develop the necessary skill set not only to become a knowledgeable manager in fashion industry but also an entrepreneur. Taking a Masters in Milan adds an extra element to this field. It is a city recognised around the globe as a symbol of Italian style and excellence, offering an international, challenging and exciting environment for studying fashion.
Programme structure
MAFED offers a highly interdisciplinary programme that integrates business planning, branding, marketing, supply chain, finance, accounting, retailing and inventory control. Besides this, there is an understanding of the cultural history of fashion brands and their impact. Another important component of MAFED is the Career Management Programme, designed to help graduates enter their chosen field.
As well as opening direct doors into the world of fashion, this Masters programme also equips graduates for careers in luxury merchandising (marketing and managing new brands to ensure their place in the market), public relations in the fashion world, production management in fashion manufacturing, fashion and luxury buying for big-name stores and for positions in fashion retail from the high-street to high-end haute couture.
With the good grounding provided by MAFED, graduates have the perfect insight for writing everything from blogs and trade publications to covering fashion shows around the globe.
Since its foundation in 1971, SDA Bocconi has been offering a range of Master programmes that give people the skills they need to succeed in their chosen career. So, if you’re driven by a passion for fashion, then MAFED programme is a stepping stone to enhancing your career in the exciting and fast-moving world of fashion and design.