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Fashion – Enter CEO Panellist at ESG Conference by Matrix Chambers


ESG issues (Environmental, Social and Governance) are having a profound impact on how businesses operate, how stakeholders interact with businesses and the advice that lawyers should be providing their clients. Both here in the UK and internationally, the ESG regulatory landscape is changing. This will impact on areas including white collar crime, environmental protection, shareholder and investor claims, pensions and assets, international trade, mis-selling and greenwashing risks, modern slavery and health and safety supply chain risks, as well as director’s duties. 

Today, 26th April 2022, the Environmental, Social and Governance  Conference by Matrix Chambers brings together experts in industry to explain how ESG issues practically impact their sectors and lawyers to discuss how these changes should factor in the advice provided to clients. 

The day long conference covers topics such as ESG and investment in UK, Implications for business and the government of moving to net zero, Greenwashing and more. Fashion-Enter’s CEO Jenny Holloway has been invited to speak as a panellist on the session discussing “Fast fashion and its implications in an ESG context”. Core areas of discussion will include: Modern Slavery issues in the fabric and textile industry, due diligence, living wages and climate impact and climate change.

The panel will also include: James Robottom, Matrix and Chloe Cranston (Business and Human Rights Manager, Anti-Slavery International) and the discussion will be chaired by Jessica Simor QC. 

The conference provides the opportunity for lawyers to better understand how current ESG issues affect the advice they provide.

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