point to the Board

With a career spanning four decades David Reay www.davidreay.co.uk has influenced the shape of some of the world’s leading brands, renowned for their quality, precise in their delivery and efficient in their processes. David now coaches the leadership teams of the global brands of tomorrow, from fast-fashion to high-end luxury names.
With postings across the globe from East to West, from Shanghai to Casablanca, Beijing to LA, David Reay has a network that spans the globe. From the leaders of established brands to the supply chain companies that work with them David understands the fashion industry inside-out, from the needle-point to the board- room.
In this workshop David will present his valuable insights, facilitate discussions and answer your questions on:
* Features that will distinguish the successful fashion brands of the future
* Coupling your creativity with commercial power to grow a profitable and sustainable brand
* identifying the true cost of manufacture, the hidden costs in your business that erode profit
* Challenging the manufacturing journey from sourcing and supply to production and fulfilment
David has over 35 years’ experience in the clothing and textile industry and has held senior posts with J Barbour & Sons, Jockey International, M&S, Warnaco and other well-known international brands. David hails from the North East of England and is committed to furthering the renaissance of the fashion industry in the UK.
Hosted by FashionCapital on Thursday 27th April 2017, 10am – 12pm the workshop will be held at The Fashion Technology Academy, Unit 13, Crusader Estate, 167 Hermitage Road, London N4 1LZ. (Nearest tube: Manor House)
To book please email: info@fashioncapital.co.uk