The FashionCapital Trunk Show: Next Stop Plymouth

After an overwhelming response following the Manchester Trunk Show the need for a no holds barred seminar lifting the lid on the real UK garment industry was confirmed and the tour of the UK continues with the next stop in the South West. Manchester attendees commented:
“This have given me so much knowledge into starting your own business that I had never even thought about!” – Olivia
“It was great to be involved with an industry event and to be updated on important issues by people who have great passion! Thank you.” – Judy
“I’ve learnt so much and can take something away from every guest speaker… I particularly enjoyed Deborah’s session and hearing Jenny speak on all aspects of garment production… We had a fab afternoon and found it really interesting and learnt a lot! The speakers were very knowledgeable and it opened my eyes to many areas of starting your own fashion line that I‘d never considered.”– Sam
As recently seen on Channel 4 news Jenny Holloway, CEO Fashion Enter and FashionCapital said “Our Factory operates totally transparently and ethically proving you can make garment manufacturing successfully in the UK today. Being on home soil means that clients can pop in on production at any time and this is the kind of transparency we need to move the fashion industry forward in a positive direction.”
The three hour seminar will see Jenny talking opening and honestly about the real industry drawing on her experiences as a Senior Buyer for M&S and the Arcadia Group, owning her own label for 10 years and today running an ethical UK Factory producing over 8,000 units a week for leading retailers.
Joining Jenny will be former Buying Director of Topshop, Brand Director ASOS and most recently Brand Director of Finery Caren Downie who has been an ambassador for young British design talent in the UK:
“I have always been passionate about supporting the designer talent in the UK. I honestly believe we have some of the most inspiring and innovative designers in the world today. This is why I’m right to support the FashionCapital Trunk show to provide real advice and support for the next generation of designer talent. I look forward to meeting the next generation of designers based in the South West.”
In addition design consultant Gabrielle Shiner-Hill, a highly skilled textile and fashion designer and product developer who has worked in the manufacturing industry for over fifteen years will offer advice on the design process and product development and former Fabric Technologist for Marks & Spencer, Deborah Shulton will provide an essential guide to understanding fabric covering influences on cost, lead time and quality.
Jenny Holloway CEO further commented:
‘Plymouth has a history steeped in fashion with the Jaeger Factory being in operation for many years. Now design and manufacturing is making a comeback to Plymouth! Following the resounding success of the Manchester Trunk show our responding team of experts are travelling to Plymouth. A huge thank you to our sponsors Millfield Trust, Plymouth College of Art and ABC Awards. For those unable to visit us in London, we are coming to you instead! We can’t wait!’
There will be one three hour seminar taking place at Ocean Studio, The Factory Cooperage from 1pm – 4pm.
Tickets: FREE students / £10 businesses and can be purchased here
Contact: / 0208 809 3311 to confirm your attendance