Secrets of supply and demand
Jennifer Williams – Baffoe consultant, Wilberforce Ltd, introduces the video and throughout asks four fashion consultant's questions about the related subject, these include;
- Approaching a factory,
- Finding the right factory,
- Reducing costs,
- Contracts,
- Payment method,
- Production process,
- Lean manufacturing,
- Minimum orders.
The following consultants answered to the questions on secrets of supply and demand;
- Junior Persuad -Director, J&R Fashions LTD,
- Lunia Oliver – production consultant, London College of Fashion,
- Stamo Ampatielou – Manager, production innovation, centre London Apparel,
- Marcia Lazar – Product director, fZiT.
City Fringe partnership organised this learning seminar to help out young designers in the retail side of the fashion industry.