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Advances in Functional Textiles Conference



25-26 July 2013

Venue:  The Chancellors Hotel and Conference Centre, Manchester, M14 6 NN

The Manchester & Cheshire Section and the Technical Textiles Special Interest Group (SIG) of  The Textile Institute in partnership with the Materials  KTN, Technical Textiles Group  have  teamed  together to organise the above conference.


The conference will aim to bring together textile scientists, engineers, fibre-yarn- fabric  manufacturers, designers, machinery manufacturers and many others engaged in the production of  innovative Functional Textiles.  The revolutionary advances made in the production of Functional  Textiles in the last decade or so will be discussed.


An optional BBQ with entertainment will also take place in the hotel’s terrace and gardens on the  evening of the first day.  Please follow the links below for the full programme and booking  information:



Booking Form

For further information please contact:


Prof. Kim Gandhi CText FTI

Chairman, Manchester & Cheshire Section

The Textile Institute

E: kim.gandhi@virgin.net

T+44 161 702 9483

M: +44 780 170 8878

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