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Samantha Cole’s Cultivating Ascent to Stardom



Her exceptional tailoring and eye for innovation has earned her the weighty crown of featuring within the prestigious asos.com website, now in its fourth consecutive year of winning “Online Retailer of the Year” as presented by Cosmopolitan.


Chew Magazine
Chew Magazine

Since her success in New York, swarms of press have been eager to feature the extravagance of Samantha Cole in high fashion shoots resulting in these amazing images and further increasing her exposure in industry today. From front page covers to full page spreads and successions of online pages in well known fashion and film websites including Flashfilm.com further assisting her progression and headway to secure her worthy position in the fashion hall of fame.


Living North
Living North

Samantha was selected from the catwalk in New York by asos.com buyers and has since then created a diffusion range to be sold via the website. Continuing to soar from strength to strength, the structural complexities of the Samantha Cole label stands out in the sea of up and coming designers and puts her in an exciting and innovative league of her own.


The talented Samantha Cole studied at the London College of Fashion leaving in 1999. Samantha has very strong views and opinions which reflect in her creations, as she does not necessarily stay in line with the current trends whilst ensuring her individual style is portrayed. Instead of creating a collection purely for commercial purposes, Samantha has embedded her personal style from more of an art point of view referencing the Victorian and Edwardian period designs into more modern and simple shapes in a wearable style.




The non conformist approach reminiscent of Andy Warhol’s deviation from the existing sociocultural trends allows Samantha to create art with more of a purpose regardless of social influences and being depicted by trends whilst retaining herself as a designer. The darker gothic approach, having veered away from the affluent floral infestation exudes her own personality by translating her artistic clothing into the fashion industry.

  Revista B   Revista B 

Samantha Says…


Revista B

…Okay, sometimes it may seem like people don’t get what your about, may criticise what you do or the decisions you make as a fashion designer, I find that its important to trust your instincts no matter how “out there” they may seem, a lot of people may disagree with me but that’s okay..
I want designers to see that its okay to be different, have an opinion and rebel if need be, as long as they understand why they are doing it and stand by those decisions; fashion is after all about self-expression and how you interpret that is up to you.

Urban Mainstream
Urban Mainstream

As a designer I’ve found that challenges come in all shapes, sizes and are pretty regular. I don’t think you ever really outgrow or are done with them you just find ways to endure adapt and work through, sometimes it can be too challenging for a lot of talented designers and they quit way before they’ve realised their potential.

Urban Mainstream

However, to the ones who persevere and work through those challenges a day at a time it’s most definitely worth it….as for me, well, I am a work in progress….

Black Beauty

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