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Up Legends




The problem with a site as big as Youtube is figuring out what to look for when there are so many make-up tutorials to choose from.  Brilliant though it is to have so much choice some kind of guidance other than searching ‘cool eye make-up’ etc. can be very helpful, so I’ve been scouring the vast jungle of Youtube make-up tutorials to find you the best the UK has to offer.

Obviously I realise everyone has their own particular style and some people will be looking for things in more niche categories, but I’ve been looking for general all round helpful make-up gurus who try to do a  wide range of creative looks.

Personally, I religiously follow the adorable Michelle Phan and MsRoshPosh and I would definitely recommend following the tutorials of these two lovely ladies.

However, since 2012 has been the year of British pride with the jubilee and London Olympics I’ve decided to give you the top five BRITISH make-up gurus on Youtube, because who doesn’t love a charming British accent?


 3. Pancea81- This lady is very experienced and I’ve struggled to find a look she hasn’t done!




2. xrubyredlipsx- Thea is young but don’t let this put you off because she knows what’s she’s talking about and get’s straight to the point, none of that cheesy music or silly special affects.
















make_up_31.Pixie2woo – Tanya Burr, this girl is really likeable and never misses a single detail.  She interprets celebrities make-up styles in her own unique and creative style.


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