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The Geek Chic


There is of course, a little controversy to this trend as although it is tragically trendy to be a ‘chic geek’, adopting all these stereotypical geek trimmings and occasionally dropping some rehearsed computer terminology into their speech, it is still incredibly uncool to show too much genuine interest in any of these things. The world has not been turned upside down; it is not fashionable to have bad skin, severe asthma and disproportioned teeth. It’s safe to assume real nerds are still picked on in school, whereas adopting a geeky chic image makes you feel
more non-conformist in comparison to everyone else. The ‘fashionable’ nerd, rather than making the existing nerd image cool, has simply created a whole new stereotype, which, like most teenage trends, is based around making the wearer feel that they are not only different to everyone else but also superior. Wonderful though it would be if being intelligent had actually become something trendy, the sad truth it is merely cool to LOOK intelligent. But maybe I’m being a little unfair? Surely showing enthusiasm for one geeky fandom shouldn’t necessarily mean you must adopt an interest in all of them for the sake of an image? Realistically though, as with all style choices, if you are going to adopt a certain look you cannot ignore the implications it will have about your personality.
So is this trend here to stay?
I’m afraid for now, you should probably start brushing up on your computer lingo and invest in some thick-rimmed glasses and pray that you don’t attract a guy who’s delusional enough to think this means you’d appreciate a first date at comic con. 
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Written by Emily-Jane Avarice

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