Being Yourself In The Fashion Industry
There are many eccentric characters in the world, where they prefer to dress in their own style despite what the latest fashion is. People who dress to their own taste do not feel embarrassed or “out of date” due to their taste. Rather they are the more confident human beings, having the courage to express themselves through clothes that they feel are adequate enough to describe them and reflect their personality.

Going out and about in London, you will notice that once a new item of clothing has immersed into the world, it is quickly adapted by the population, quite right so, but there are people who rebel against this and choose to dress in whatever way they want. Expressing yourself does not only have to be through literature or music but can also be through the way you dress. If you possess a fun, wild character why hide your true nature under boring dull clothes?

Designers will also often create new collections of clothes which are bright, exciting and interesting to look at. But they will also endeavour to create a collection that will also portray their personality, thoughts and feelings. It is very easy to lose your own touch when wearing clothes as often, for young people, peer pressure can also result in the change of your style. Many young girls feel pressurised to look a certain way, but they do not have to feel like this as there are many styles that they can adapt to, enabling them to be their own person. Moreover, models are perceived to look beautiful and on trend, but they only represent a small minority of the population. What about the rest of the population who tend to dress differently? It is quite rare to see a model that has tattoo sleeves and edgy hair, which goes to show that not everyone is represented in the world of fashion. But even so, these people still enjoy dressing differently and take pride in it. Being confident also helps to be able to dress however you want. Clothes just doesn’t cover you up and keep you warm, but also is an identity which people recognise you by. So don’t hide away under baggy clothes, be yourself!
By Shariqa Ahmed