Kiki’s Diary
Hi Everyone,
It’s been yet another fun packed week at the LFF Boutique!
A big Welcome goes to our newest bag designer ‘Emma Gordon’-if your’e looking for pretty, girlie, frilly handmade bags, this is the place
to visit!
A huge Well goes to Nadia Ivanova, as she has been the best seller this week – ladies just can’t get enough of her beautiful skirts!
I had a phonecall from ‘OK’ magazine letting me know that one of Nadia Ivanova’s skirts will be featuring in next week’s issue, so make sure you check it out whilst having a good old nose into celebrity life!
The boutique had a visit from South african ‘Glamour’ magazine on Tuesday. They absolutely loved what they saw! They were asking me questions, then something would catch their eye and totally distract them! This happened quite a few times – and nearly worried me into thinking they may have found me boring! Never! So they took a photo of me holding a copy of the magazine, after dragging their eyes away from the work, and told me they’d write a feature about us in the christmas issue! So should anyone be visiting South Africa – grab us a copy please!
Last Thursday we had our Autumn/Winter launch party which was such a success! We made over £1000 in just three hours, with 10% discount woo hoo!
There was such a great atmosphere, lots of interesting conversations, wine, plenty of contacts made with important people! Everyone had a great time! We had lots of independant stylists come along, photographers, buyers, a whole bunch of passers by wanting to know what all the noise was about! Then of course lots of members of the public that had been invited. We advertised the event in ‘Time Out’ and had alot of response because of that too! Most designers made sales and contacts with the buyers and stylists that came along so it was fantastic!
I was interviewed by ‘Cosmopolitan’ this morning, they are going to write about my career so far and put it in the December issue! Very exciting – I hope it will be an interesting read!
So have a great weekend.
Yours truly,