Lord Andrew Stone kindly requests the pleasure of your company
I worked with Lord Stone when I was a selector at Marks and Spencer. At that time Lord Stone was the main board director for ladieswear. He was always full of vitality, true innovator of new ideas (in a commercial sense), had a unique ability to ascertain the right key people for the demanding roles within ladieswear and his sheer drive and determination was key to his tremendous popularity. Lord Stone made M&S a force to be recognised with in the 80s and 90s and the LFF is sincerely honoured to have such a bespoke Patron.
Four designers will have the chance to meet Lord Stone at the House of Lords – a marvellous privilege! Lord Stone will host afternoon tea where you can update Lord Stone with your own unique perspective of the clothing and textile industry. What do you really think about the world of fashion??
Applicants just need to say why, in 50 words, they would like to meet Lord Stone at the House of Lords on Wednesday May 18th 2005 by either emailing lordandrewstone@fashioncapital.co.uk or in writing to LFF at 28 Station Approach, Hayes, Bromley Kent BR2 7EH.
The selected designers will be notified by 11th May.
Best of luck. Below is a bio of Andrew for your perusal.
Jenny Holloway
Industry Advisor