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Another tragedy hits the Bangladeshi garment industry


 This tragedy follows just weeks after 900+ people were killed when a factory building collapsed putting the Bangladeshi garment manufacturing sector under the health and safety spotlight.

Reports confirm that the factory owner and a police officer were among the eight killed as they held a meeting in the 11-storey building. The victims would have suffocated from the toxic smoke created from burning acrylic fibres.

The government insists that regulations for the manufacturing sector have been put in place but they are often ignored and are difficult to enforce.

After the devastating collapse of Rana Plaza building two weeks ago Bangladeshi government officials announced a shutdown of 18 garment factories. The garment industry in Bangladesh accounts for almost 80% of its annual exports and employs about four million people. However the country has faced staunch criticism about working conditions, low pay and subbing out orders to cowboy outfits. With this second disaster costing human life in the matter of weeks there will surely be a shake-up on regulations and working practices in Bangladesh.

Click here to read about the Rana Plaza disaster and bringing manufacturing back to the UK

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