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Fashion Tech



Model Kate Moss has collaborated with Carphone warehouse to create a new element to her accessories range, launching this summer – a range of smart phone and tablet accessories for the fashion conscious woman that blends a mix of the latest fashion and technology.


Photo From Engadget

The new range applies Kate’s ‘style sensibility’ and the latest handsets. The motivations behind Kate’s decision to design tech rather than just fashion accessories lies in the fact there is no current market for stylish fashionable technology. For many women their phones are just as important as their clothes and this is where, she believes the phone companies are missing out. Kate Moss said: “My phone’s as much a part of my look as my bag or shoes, and yet there’s so little choice out there.” Lack of design was the main inspiration behind Kate’s motive to team up with Carphone warehouse to resolve this issue.

“My whole approach was to treat this as any other fashion collaboration; I was heavily involved in the design process and loved seeing my vision come to life in the final product” Moss commented. “From the quality of materials to design, I wanted the best for my range that reflected my personal style.” Her designs will be based on her favourite things and it’s reported that Kate has been raiding her jewellery box for creative inspiration for the collection of phone charms.

Technology companies are also acknowledging the fact that there is a niche market for fashion accessories. This new range is targeting the 64% of British women who own a smart phone and this percentage is set to increase with a total increase of 52% of smart phone ownership just this year.”We looked at the accessory ranges available today and found that consumers were crying out for something different,” explained Julian Diment, marketing director at Carphone Warehouse. “Fashion tech blurs the lines between fashion and technology, and Kate Moss is the perfect match for us to drive forward integration and creativity from the two industries.”

Kate Moss, currently the face of Versace, has previously worked with Topshop, Rimmel and Longchamp and her newest collection will be available to purchase in Carphone Warehouse stores nationwide later this summer.

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