FCFTA Leicester Update 13th April 2022

SEG award ABC Level 1 in Workers’ Rights and Labour Exploitation
Congratulations to 10 workers at GN Euro – who have completed this course on Workers’ Rights and Labour exploitation.
This course has been made available through funding from the Community Renewal Fund.

Jackie Manager at FCFTA (Leicester): “Really great to complete the course at GN Euro. The workers here are working in a responsible and safe environment; however, the course was extremely well received and its great to see a factory continuing to invest in their workers well-being. We will return next month to deliver the course to an additional 8 learners. Well done GN Euro.”

Community Engagement – Pakistani Youth Community Centre (PYCA)
Divya from FCFTA Leicester visited the Pakistani Youth Community Centre on the 12th April to share with them the free courses we have available at the Fashion Technology Academy funded by Community Renewal Fund.
Pakistan Youth & Community Association (PYCA) is a voluntary organisation based in Leicester supporting the educational, social, cultural and recreational needs of the Pakistani and other communities in Leicester.
Divya said: “It was great to meet the team at PYCA – I have been invited to return each month to continue the engagement with the Pakistani community. We are currently recruiting for Level 1 Stitching and 3 candidates expressed interest in joining the course.”

Level 1 Stitching – Leicester is pleased to Welcome new Learners at the Academy
6 New learners arrived at Leicester FCFTA on Tuesday 13th April to join the Level 1 stitching course. The Level 1 course is a great introduction into industrial sewing it is an accredited ABC Level 1 award in Fashion & Textiles. This course is FREE for those that are unemployed and funded through the Community Renewal Fund.
The 3 units covered on the course are:
- Using an Industrial Sewing Machine
- Industrial Sewing Operations
- Inspection of Finished Sewn Products

Jackie Manager at FCFTA comments: “It’s great to welcome our new cohort to the Academy – this is our fourth group of learners to start Level 1 stitching qualification. We are still enrolling – therefore if you would like to take up this course then please do get in contact – we have spaces available for April and also for June: education@fashion-enter.com
Buyers Meet and Greet Venue confirmed!
The Meet & Greet for Leicester manufacturer’s and fashion buyer’s on 16th June is set to take place at the Athena events venue in the cultural quarter of Leicester City. Contact: jackie@fashion-enter.com for more details and to sign up.